суббота, 22 июля 2017 г.

Please pray for my hip. I have fallen and now my hip

Please pray for my hip. I have fallen and now my hip

May our loving God hear and answer your prayer request. In Jesus precious name, Amen!! Ephesians 3:20 (KJV) Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us In Jesus' name may God answer your prayer request. Praying the Promises of God: God I ask You in Jesus' name bless all those I love, care about, the writer of this prayer, and myself with the desires of our hearts that is the will of God for each of our lives. Bless each of us with a heart that beats to live to please You. Let the mind that is in Christ Jesus be in each of us. Bless us to prosper, be in excellent health, and cause our souls to prosper consistently in the Word and Ways of God. Lead, guide, and direct our footsteps daily. Let each of us never neglect our daily one on one time with You. Give Your angels charge over each of us to protect and keep us safe from all accidents, evil, hurt, harm, and danger. Let no weapon ever formed against any of us prosper. Be with each of us as a mighty warrior, so our persecutors will stumble, fail, and be thoroughly disgraced. God honor this prayer over each of our lives today and for always in Jesus’ name. God Thank You For Loving Me. In Jesus' name may God answer your prayer request. Praying the Promises of God: God I ask You in Jesus' name bless all those I love, care about, the writer of this prayer, and myself with the desires of our hearts that is the will of God for each of our lives. Bless each of us with a heart that beats to live to please You. Let the mind that is in Christ Jesus be in each of us. Bless us to prosper, be in excellent health, and cause our souls to prosper consistently in the Word and Ways of God. Lead, guide, and direct our footsteps daily. Let each of us never neglect our daily one on one time with You. Give Your angels charge over each of us to protect and keep us safe from all accidents, evil, hurt, harm, and danger. Let no weapon ever formed against any of us prosper. Be with each of us as a mighty warrior, so our persecutors will stumble, fail, and be thoroughly disgraced. God honor this prayer over each of our lives today and for always in Jesus’ name. God Thank You For Loving Me. Original article and pictures take https://www.prayerrequest.com/forums/topic/3850410-please-pray-for-my-hip-i-have-fallen-and-now-my-hip/ site

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