суббота, 22 июля 2017 г.

The Rule Breaker Bet

The Rule Breaker Bet

HOW DO YOU PLAY? How do you verify the weight loss? For all official weigh-ins, you'll be prompted to submit your official starting weight. Our standard weigh-in process involves you submitting two photos, one of you on a scale in airport security attire; another of the scale's readout with your weigh-in word. A scale (preferably digital) A digital camera or smartphone A full-length mirror or someone to take your photo Does this actually work? Out of 524,786 DietBetters, 93.61% have lost weight during their challenges. Combined, they've lost 7,329,799 lbs and won $37,262,318. In other words...yes. Don't take our word for it Read More Read More Read More Read More Read More Read More "I have peace of mind knowing that physically I can do almost anything that I want, and that my weight is no longer holding me back." Read More Read More Read More Read More Read More Read More Read More Read More Individual results may vary from Success Stories. Original article and pictures take http://dietbet.com/abby site

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