I always put off these posts. Why? Not because I DON'T want to write them, but because I DO want to write them. Make sense? Ya, I know - me neither. I try and come up with these really cool, witty and smart tag lines. Take this one for example. I wanted to give an update on my hip. But what the hell would I call this post?? I already used the ever cool "hipster" and the Khia song from he debut album, Thug Misses, "My Neck, My Back" - what else is left in this world?!?!?!? So I turn to google. Creative? Nah. Google it mo fo's! So I type in "hip" and sure enough - google saves me - how could I have forgotten about Rappers Delight Lyrics??? HIP HOP HIPPITY HOP! DUHHHHH. Ok, so in an effort to try and assuage some of my anxiety that every post need be awesome, stellar, perfect, original, informative yet humorous, thoughtful and compelling...this ain't Oprah's Book Club Kate. ok ok ok. Here it is, without further b.s - or adieu, the 6 week update. Drum Roll........... 6 WEEK Thoughts...(mostly rambling) - From 2 crutches to 1 to NONE - Driving automatic, 2 foot style - eekkkkk! - If you are gonna use 2 feet, might as well go back to 3 pedals - zoom, zoom back to stick shift!! - Sutures FINALLY fall out - Still no actual strengthening work - Leg severely atrophied does not look cute in shorts, wear pants or mumu - You can paint your toenails! Screw that, go get a pedicure you deserve it! (HOT Pink!) - You can run errands - You can stop having people asking, "What did you do to your knee?" (I know, this makes no sense to me either) - You can get blitzed - ok, a little now that you are not a hazard on crutches - You can stop watching Toddlers & Tieras and Honey Boo Boo marathons - You can shave your legs - needs no explanation - You can stop playing the part of Boo Radley from TKAMB and go out and get some sun on your pasty self - You are FREE.....ok, you are not free. No running, no skipping, no hopping (definitely no hip-hopping) no running, no "the splits", did I mention that you are FREEEEEE - Physical Therapy only 1x a week and in the pool (since thats where you are doing most of your Boo Radley detoxification anyway) - You can start writing your blog?!?!? Original article and pictures take http://mymedicalmysterytour.blogspot.com/2013/08/the-hip-hip-hop-and-you-dont-stop.html?spref=fb site
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