суббота, 22 июля 2017 г.

The Best Essential Oils to Relieve Arthritis Pain

The Best Essential Oils to Relieve Arthritis Pain
The Best Essential Oils to Relieve Arthritis Pain

Like it or not, we can’t stop time. And as we age, our body will face various challenges large and small. Arthritis is one of the most common medical conditions in the country – more than 52 million adults in the US are impacted by it to some degree – over 22 percent of the population. That’s a huge number, and while many cases of arthritis are relatively minor the fact remains that even slight arthritis can lead to diminished quality of life. That’s why understanding the best way to control and manage arthritis is so important. And luckily, there are plenty of options out there for doing so – including using essential oils to naturally manage the symptoms. The Basics of Arthritis Arthritis is a type of disease that affects the body’s joints. It leads to swelling, pain, and stiffness in and around them and primarily impacts the hands, fingers, toes, feet, knees, hips, and spine. There are two main types of arthritis: Osteoarthritis – Caused when the cartilage between the joints wears down and creates inflammation and pain Rheumatoid Arthritis – Caused by an autoimmune dysfunction that leads to the body’s immune system destroying the cartilage within it. No matter the specific type of arthritis that occurs, treatment usually means managing symptoms. There’s no cure for the condition itself, and properly reducing pain, stiffness, and swelling is what doctors will focus on instead. Natural Ways to Help Arthritis Arthritis treatment is often handled with pain medication and anti-inflammatory drugs. But while these options can indeed provide some measure of relief, they’re not without drawbacks. These medications can lead to side effects, heavy treatment costs, dependency, and more. Because of this, switching to natural treatment is something that makes a lot of sense for arthritis patients. Consider following: Using natural treatments means avoiding most side effects They’re often much cheaper and easier to fit into a budget Essential oils as a treatment also provide additional mental and physical health benefits In short, trying out natural remedies is something that any arthritis sufferer should consider doing and something that can provide very real relief to you. Essential Oils to Relieve Arthritis Of all the various natural remedies, essential oils are among the most effective. They can offer significant pain reduction, improved mobility, reduced stiffness, and more – all without the side effects of synthetic medication. But not all essential oils are as effective for arthritis as others. Here are the best options to use when you need natural relief from arthritis. Eucalyptus Oil – This essential oil comes from the eucalyptus plant that is native to Australia. Used in that country for centuries by the Aboriginal tribes for its numerous healing properties, it has been found to provide pain relief to swollen, aching, arthritic joints. It’s a good option for quick relief and flare-ups. Peppermint Oil – More than just a popular flavoring in gum and candy, peppermint is also highly effective at reducing inflammation and reducing pain. It can be rubbed on sore, swollen joints as needed to help alleviate the discomfort and add some measure of relief. Lavender Oil – With a sweet, mild scent that is known for helping the mind relax and de-stress, lavender has always been one of the first essential oils added to a home. But it can also help to fight against inflammation, and can often help with not only osteoarthritis, but also with rheumatoid arthritis as well. Rosemary Oil – The same plant used in so many recipes is also effective at healing. This essential oil has been shown to not only reduce the pain and inflammation of arthritis, but also to help inhibit the overall progression of arthritis in studies conducted on lab rats. It may help prevent the breakdown of cartilage and thus prevent the severity of the disease. How to Use Essential Oils In order to properly use the essential oils listed above, it’s important to remember that applying them directly to the skin can be quite irritating. Instead, it’s best to mix the oils with a carrier oil such as coconut oil or almond oil. This helps dilute the oils so they aren’t irritating while still providing a high level of relief. Use a dilution of about 3-5ml of essential oils to every 100ml of carrier oil. Some of the oils may be effective and non-irritating without dilution, like lavender oil, but dilution is always the safer option. Experiment with different oils and even consider blending two or more of the above options together with the carrier oil until you find the solution that provides the best level of relief. The evidence continues to show that essential oils could help with arthritis pain, and with a bit of time you’ll be able to find the best ones for your own situation. Pin It Original article and pictures take https://organicaromas.com/blogs/aromatherapy-and-essential-oils/the-best-essential-oils-to-relieve-arthritis-pain site

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