суббота, 22 июля 2017 г.



Tight psoas muscles put undue pressure on the bursa at the groin, causing iliopsoas bursitis and iliopsoas tendinitis. (A bursa is a fluid-filled sac that acts as a soft pully for a tendon that passes across it.)Tight psoas muscles are in a constant state of fatigue and feel sore, giving rise to pelvic and abdominal pain.Iliopsoas syndrome is a collection of symptoms caused by tight iliopsoas muscles and experienced anywhere along their length. Bulging belly: abdominal strengthening exercises You can't correct a bulging belly or tight muscles by strengthening or stretching. Here's why: Neither abdominal strengthening nor psoas stretching exercises efficiently changes muscle/movement memory; muscle/movement memory determines muscle tone and the shape to which you return after you have stretched -- whether in hours or in days. You keep returning to that tension, posture and shape. To get a lasting change, you need to change muscle-movement memory, as presented here. When is Stretching Your Psoas Muscles, Wrong? The answer is, "Always." Stretching produces short-term changes, at best. The problem isn't that psoas muscles need stretching, but that they keep tightening and shortening, as controlled by muscle/movement memory. Muscle tone is too high. Muscle/movement memory makes them shorten and keep needing stretching. Even if you could get the psoas muscles to relax by stretching, stretching doesn't retrain muscles into healthy coordination and healthy tone. For healthy tone, you need all the muscles of your movement system to be well-coordinated because they all work together in balance and movement.So, the answer to, "When is stretching your psoas muscles, wrong?" is, "Always." Several reasons exist for the incomplete or temporary results of psoas stretches. Here are the reasons: 1. "Muscle/movement-memory" runs the show. Stretching creates only the memory of being stretched, and does not develop the muscle/movement memory that controls normal movement, muscle tone and coordination. 2. In stretches, tight muscles remain passive, while other muscles force the stretch. That makes stretching an indirect approach. The direct approach is to retrain muscle/movement memory by movement training that actively uses your psoas muscles, normalizes their tone and improves your coordination. To normalize psoas muscle functioning, you need to cultivate direct control of the psoas muscles. Original article and pictures take http://www.somatics.com/psoas.htm#constipation site

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